John Hunt
BEST Event*
Timely, Riveting

Room 301 was filled to capacity at Kramer Hall Thursday morning February 7th as John Hunt, AtlantiCare Corporate Director of Security and Emergency Management, gave a passionate presentation on a subject that has become too common - mass shootings. His experience throughout the world in research of the mindset of the perpetrator and the victims' reactions was a revelation to all in attendance. A discussion followed in which Mr. Hunt detailed the most appropriate life saving tactics to be utilized, so that the potential victims will not only survive, but "win" the day.
*BEST (Business Education Series Today) Events are scheduled throughout the year - subject matter is current and productive, not only in an economic sense, but for well-being of owners, management and employees of local businesses.

Thanks to all who attended our Holiday Mixer at the Annata Wine Bar on Wednesday December 5th
It was an outstanding evening with good people, good food and good cheer. Add more thanks to Casciano Coffee Bar & Sweetery for the coffee station and Mannino's Cannoli Express for the delicious dessert tray. As usual, the Annata food was exceptional.

Dress was business casual at our Holiday Mixer, but we are not sure in what category we can put (L) VP Ben Ott’s Festive Jacket! He’s chatting with trustee Dave Damiano.

John W. Mazzeo Golf Tournament
A beautiful autumn day greeted over 70 golfers at our
31st Annual John W. Mazzeo Golf Tournament at
Buena Vista Country Club on October 3rd. It was a
great day on the links, followed by dinner and awards.
Men’s Gross: Rob Comunale 1st, Mike Torrissi 2nd, Kyle Strickland 3rd
Men’s Callaway: Rich Rehmann 1st, Ed Taylor 2nd, Tom Gribbin 3rd
Ladies’: Nancy Wescoat 1st, Dawn Brodton 2nd, Ruthan Finger 3rd
Putting 1st Place: Bruce Chelluci
Longest Drive (3): Rob Comunale Men, Dawn Brodton Ladies, Don Pollock 80’s
Closest to the Pin: Dr. Elaz Khan

We can’t be successful without dedicated volunteers.
Seen here at the golf registration table are (L-R)
Seated - Suzanne Pignatelli, Trustee Glen Ann Stoll, Sam Pignatelli. Standing - Kathy Bucknam, Missy Butkowski, President Carl Powell.
Thanks to all who supported us - sponsors, volunteers and golfers
Adams, Rehmann & Heggan, AMI/AtlantiCare, AtlantiCare, Archer Law, Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas LLP,
NJM Insurance, OceanFirst Bank, South Jersey Gas, Atlantic City Electric
Concepts, Connolly Dermatology, David Charles, Denney Electric, Kramer Beverage, ML Ruberton, Polyvel
Special thanks to AtlantiCare for their sponsorship of the Ladies Division;
and thanks to David Charles Jewelers for their continued Rolex Hole-in-One Sponsorship.
Thanks for coming! See you June 30, 2019.

Great food, Great music by Nicky G and Stealing Savanah (the band was rewarded with leftover 20 cannoli during their break), the Cruisin’ Classics Car Show, along with almost 100 crafters and food
vendors, plus Kiddie Rides and the Kiwanis Breakfast, made for a record-breaking (unofficial) day.

"Take the Cannoli!"
We honored the BERRY, as the commercial said, but this year’s festival had a Cannoli undertone. It was hot and muggy, but nobody seemed to care, as they enjoyed the bounty of Hammonton’s special crop. Special guest, Competitive Eater Carmen Cincotti, challenged three local celebrities; Deputy Mayor Tom Gribbin, Board of Education President Sam Mento and Hammonton Police Lt. Kevn Friel to an “eat-off.” He would eat more mini-blueberry cannoli (supplied by Mannino's Cannoli Express) than the three of them COMBINED, in a 6-minute span. The results – Gribbin 9, Mento 9, Friel 16. So Carmen had to down more than 34. Is 64 more than 34? Rhetorical question. Carmen demolished them and established a very unofficial world’s record.

MainStreet Hammonton
and Dina Moorhead
Honored at Annual Banquet
Camaraderie and congratulations reigned Tuesday May 15th at our Annual Installation and Awards Banquet held at Kathedral Event Center in Hammonton.
New businesses and businesses who have undergone major renovations or construction, were honored along with the two most prestigious winners – Business of the Year: MainStreet Hammonton and “Nice Going” Award: Dina Moorhead.
We thank our Major Sponsor – AtlantiCare, as well as Supporting Sponsors NJM Insurance and AMI/AtlantiCare for helping us make this an extraordinary evening.

Pictured here with “Nice Going “ award recipient Dina Moorhead, are President Carl Powell, Treasurer Lisa Varesio, “Miss Dina,” 2nd Vice President Ben Ott and Freeholder Jim Bertino.
New Venue, new exhibitors, record crowd.
That's the 2018 Wine & Beer Expo in short.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the one right is worth about 250 attendees. Thanks to Archer Law, who graciously sponsored the event; plus all our wine and beer exhibitors, Kitchen 19 and Frank Gazzara’s Team, Baglianis' Market, Tales of the Olive, Mannino's Cannoli Express, Wineworks, Kramer Beverage, MainStreet Hammonton and the dozens of volunteers who made this a special night.
Thanks for coming!

Wine & Beer Expo